Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sweet Summer Mango Guacamole

As I'm certain I've mentioned in many of my previous posts, the food writing course that I took during college has sparked countless food inventions, this blog being one of them. But probably the tastiest ideas, in my experience, have come from my foodie friends. During one of our weekly Monday samplers, my good friend Heather prepared Mango Guacamole for our 13 member class- and I've been salivating for it ever since. I' ve asked her for the recipe several times, but have lost it . . every single time. Out of sheer embarrassment over the tenth misplacement, I decided enough was enough- and I made my own.

This side dish is probably one of the quickest, healthiest, and cheapest starters to whip up. The mangos give a hint of sweetness that juices up the smooth buttery taste of the avocados. The first time I tried this, I added 1/2 diced chili pepper (seeded), and experienced one of the most horrific and uncomfortable sensations when I accidently touched my lip after touching the chili pepper. I wish I had video taped my reaction because I'm sure it was entertaining to observe me crouching in the corner of my kitchen, crying, as my mom rotated ice compresses to cool off my lips. It only lasted for five minutes or so, but the burning heat from the pepper was something you couldn't pay me enough money to experience again. Soooooo- the second time I chose to forego the chili pepper and added a few sweet peppers.

This guacamole has a much sweeter edge than the traditional zesty mexican style guacamole. It might work well to substitute pineapple for the mango, or any fruit. You are essentially replacing tomatoes with the fruit. Enjoy!

Sweet Mango Guacamole

3 Avocados (pitted)
1 large mango (diced)
1/2 diced red onion
about 5-6 sweet peppers
dash of minced garlic
dash of garlic salt
(optional) a few squirts of lime juice

Toss everything into one big bowl and beat with a mixer until smooth

Favorite dipper options : sliced peppers or multigrain Tostito chips